Please search by entering the physician’s first name, last name and at least one additional data point below. For the most precise
search results, enter the physician name and NPI number.
Please ensure that you select the correct physician entry with the correct address as the failure to do so can cause correspondence
containing protected health information to be misdirected to an incorrect physician and/or address. If you are unsure of the address
and/or NPI number, please verify this information prior to your submission. If the address information displayed with your search
is not correct, please close this window to enter the correct physician name and address.
Enter at least two of the following search criteria to find the
facility you are looking for.
Please ensure that you select/insert the correct name and
address. As a Covered Entity, you are obligated to comply with HIPAA. Failure to
select/insert the correct name and address can result
in a HIPAA violation because it can cause a communication
containing protected health information to be misdirected to an
incorrect party. Please remember that the name and address can change. If you are
unsure of the name and/or address, please confirm the accuracy of the information prior to submission.